Managing assets for a diverse investor base across the globe.

Systematica has a number of diverse strategies and an impressive list of institutional clients, Systematica has become a household name in quantitative investing.

  • “Big enough to matter.
    Small enough to care.”

    Leda Braga, CEO, Systematica Investments
  • “[Leda] Braga’s hedge fund firm appears to be
    going from strength to strength.”

    Financial News, October 2020
  • "We strive for a culture of intellectual honesty. There’s no seniority when it comes to challenging each other’s comments and views."
    Institutional Investor, July 2020
Our Culture Defines Us

The pursuit of excellence permeates all of Systematica’s activities.

  • Trend Following

  • Macro Non-Trend

  • Multi Strategy

  • Equity Market Neutral

  • Customised Solutions

Trend Following

Combines two decades of experience in trend following deployed across mainstream futures, alternative markets and region specific (China) strategies.

Macro Non-Trend

Non-trend macro strategies that seek to profit from dislocations and relative value opportunities while maintaining overall market neutrality.

Multi Strategy

Multi strategy mandates combining our experience across trend following, relative value and equity market neutral.

Equity Market Neutral

A range of systematic equity market neutral strategies targeting both equity factors and proprietary statistical arbitrage techniques.

Customised Solutions

Institutional investors are increasingly looking to partner with Systematica across more than one of our capabilities. Approximately 40% of our AUM is in customised solutions. These range from combining our existing pooled fund offerings using a “multi fund” solution, all the way to creating client led bespoke strategies to address a specific client investment preference or need.

A truly global and diverse firm

Global presence with offices in Jersey, London, Geneva, New York, Singapore and Shanghai.

Global investor base with clients in North America, United Kingdom, Europe, Middle East and Asia.